Waiting List

Scouting is becoming increasingly popular and there is pressure for places. We are limited by the space we have at the hut and (more significantly) by the number of volunteer leaders we have. We run a waiting list and offer places to children on the waiting list as they become available, and as children reach the age limits. At the moment we occasionally have to run a waiting list for Scouts, more often for Cubs and permanently for Beavers.

The waiting list for Beavers is so long that we could open another Beaver Colony right away. It is so long that some children might be Cub age before a space becomes available. Some parents are putting their children on the list years before they become eligible. The lack of spaces is frustrating for the leadership team, for parents and most of all for the children. There is only one solution – we need more volunteers. So if you are frustrated by this, please consider joining us and help us get another Beaver Colony or Cub Pack going, ease the pressure on the other section leaders or become a non uniformed adult helper. You might even like to join the Executive Committee. Many hands make light work.

In the meantime if you would like your child to join any of the sections please add them to the waiting list following the instructions below. Requests to join are reviewed every week or two and dealt with as a batch so please don’t be offended if we are slow in responding. We will let you know as soon as practical whether we have a space for your child and / or where they are on any waiting list. We take new members and move older ones on to the next section after the summer break, Christmas and Easter.


If your child is aged 5 or under and would like to be a Beaver with the 5th Littlehampton Sea Scouts then please sign them up to our waiting list. This is the only way to guarantee them a space!

Perseverance Beavers (Mondays 1730-1845) click the following link: https://www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk/…/bbb025ee-c8cc-…/apply

Triumph Beavers (Wednesdays 1700-1815) click the following link: https://www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk/…/4cfd5e4b-1d79-…/apply


We do often have spaces in Cubs, so if your child is aged 6-8 (or nearly there), then please sign them up to our waiting list. We are in the position where we need to open a second Cub Pack, but we also need leaders. If you think you could help please look at our volunteering page and contact us.

Cubs (Wednesdays 1830-1945) click the following link:


Currently Scouts is full and there is no waiting list available.